We talk to mothers and parents every day at Baby Café Bakersfield. One of the things we hear most often is that they “already have” this gadget or that supplement, but that they are “still” having a breastfeeding problem. Having “things” helps us feel like we are more prepared. That goes for many events in our lives, big and small.
The truth, though, is that when it comes to breastfeeding, things aren’t as important as knowledge and techniques. That’s where skilled lactation help really makes a difference, and that’s why we make it accessible to families.
Many new parents are surprised to find out that they don’t have enough time in the hospital after their baby is born to learn everything they needed to know to make breastfeeding work for them. Others are flabbergasted at the inconsistent messages about breastfeeding that they receive between people they know, staff in the hospital, their baby’s pediatrician - it can be a whirlwind. Still others feel that since breastfeeding is “natural,” it will simply unfold for them and they’ll be able to figure out whatever else they need to know by looking online.
At Baby Café, we fill in all the gaps for families with evidence-based, practical information. It’s the right help at the right time that makes all the difference.
Knowing how breastfeeding works, what to try if latching is difficult, how milk production works - these are the kinds of things people really need to know, and if they aren’t able to take breastfeeding classes before baby is born, they’re trying to learn on the job with a hungry baby.
Then add in some “things” - a breast pump, a cream or ointment to put on nipples, a smartphone app for tracking things - and you’ve got an even bigger learning curve. Products don’t always make breastfeeding easier or better, and sometimes they make it all much harder, even interfering with baby’s milk intake or milk production itself.
When breastfeeding is just beginning, new mothers need to know what they’re doing right, what they can adjust, and what to expect next. They need encouragement when things are challenging, and they need praise when things are going well. They need answers, not guesses as to what’s happening when there’s a problem. They need skilled lactation help, not advice to “Just pump!” or “Just give some formula"!” or “Just stop breastfeeding!”
We aren’t in the business of persuading people to breastfeed, and we don’t have any hidden agendas. We’re here to help people breastfeed, whatever that looks like for them. Whether at the breast, using a feeding device or bottle, expressing milk by hand or with a breast pump, feeding your own milk, donor milk, or formula, we can help with all of those things. We teach evidence-based skills, including safe formula preparation, paced bottle feeding, intuitive pumping, strategies for safe and healthy sleep, and so much more.
We try to bring breastfeeding knowledge to our community in a variety of ways, and this Substack publication is our newest. Be sure to share it if you can to help us spread the word that breastfeeding is important, it matters, and people deserve the help they need to make it work for them!
We have exciting news to share: You can now read Baby Café Bakersfield - The Simple Science of Breastfeeding in the new Substack app for iPhone.
With the app, you’ll have a dedicated Inbox for our Substack and any others you subscribe to. New posts will never get lost in your email filters, or stuck in spam. Longer posts will never cut-off by your email app. Comments and rich media will all work seamlessly. Overall, it’s a big upgrade to the reading experience.
The Substack app is currently available for iOS. If you don’t have an Apple device, you can join the Android waitlist here.