I think I figured out my breastfeeding problem from this online article...
It's ok, we're here to help - you don't have to figure it all out yourself!
When you're sick of trying to piece together the answers to your breastfeeding problems from 12 online articles, come talk to us at Baby Café Bakersfield. We'll help you sort through what's really going on and make a plan to meet your breastfeeding goals.
Here’s why one-to-one breastfeeding help makes a difference.
By talking to you (or even texting!), we can ask the right questions to get the full picture of what’s happening for you. When you just type one problem into the search bar, you’re not really capturing all of it.
By seeing you in person and seeing how your baby feeds (or tries to feed) at the breast, we can give you personalized tips that are based on what we see in your situation. If you are trying to apply general tips for positioning or latch or getting baby to breastfeed after taking some bottles, you may not be getting all the nuance you need to fit your exact situation.
Sometimes you may find information online about breastfeeding that seems like it might fit what’s happening in your situation. However, it’s really hard to tell from online articles exactly how common or rare something is. We wouldn’t expect you to have that kind of background - but we do, and that’s why we’d love to work with you one to one to address your questions and issues.
By working with you to make the right plan for addressing your concerns, we can give you the opportunity to weigh in on what is important to you and lay out your options. We can help you see the hope where the internet often leads you down a road that says “this is the only way.”
One of the things we’re most proud of at Baby Café Bakersfield is that most people who reach out to us for help do so because someone they know - a family member, a friend, a coworker or neighbor - told them that we’re a good resource for breastfeeding help. They felt good about their experience, and they’re willing to send someone they care about to see us. That means so much to us!
Breastfeeding is meant to be a peaceful experience for both you and your baby, so if there is pain, doubt, anxiety, or other physical symptoms, please reach out and talk to us. We would be more than happy to help, and families never have to pay for our services. (Donations are gratefully accepted!)
You can always find the most updated information about how to reach us on Instagram (@BabyCafeBakersfield) and on our website www.BabyCafeBakersfield.org. We’ll talk to you soon!